Super Full Flower Moon in Scorpio : Coming Full Circle

The Super Full Flower Moon In Scorpio

Coming full circle...also you're gonna be super horny 

The Super Full Flower Moon in Scorpio is here my dear and it's time to confront those fears and live out your fantasies…. both in the boardroom and the bedroom. This moon calls for a deep meditation to tap into the subconscious and figure out what’s holding you back.

What are you terrified of? Now say it out loud...and let it go. This full moon you need to meditate on the bad habits you want to let go of and think about how you can grow and heal yourself. You will be more sympathetic and understanding during this time. So who better to start with than being sympathetic to yourself? Buy yourself some flowers, put on a floral dress, or perfume.

You might find yourself going low before you go high, with the wave of emotions, so keep that in mind during this time. 

This moon is called the Flower Full moon for a reason, it's time for everything to come into bloom. One of the phases of Scorpio is rising from the ashes like a Phoenix, it's time to shed that old you for good. You finally will start to feel in control of life and not controlled by circumstances. Speaking of control, you're going to probably want to rebel against rules or people telling you what to do. Proceed with caution and think before you react. Communication of your feelings is key right now.

I continue to bloom...

And will you be feeling it..Scorpio is known for steamy dreams, hot sex, and “rip each other’s clothes off passion”. Throw on some lingerie and get it on...with your partner or yourself BB. Anything and everything is going to get you lit, we are talking seeing BAE in their grey sweats on the couch, to catching a glimpse of yourself and that quarantine booty in the mirror. 

What's your deep dark fantasy baby girl?? We promise we won't tell.


  • Task:

    • buy yourself flowers, meditate on your subconscious fears and let them go. Make amends with someone - even yourself.

  • Mantra:

    • “I continue to bloom emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and financially. I manifest abundance and growth.”

  • Journaling:

    1. write a letter to yourself - let go of any shame or something you have been too hard on yourself for.

Write down all the things you don’t like about yourself. Rip it up and throw it away. Write down all the things you love about yourself and make it the background of your phone.